Tuesday 20 September 2011

Last Year's Target.

Last year for our AS Media studies, myself and my group produced a two minute opening short film, we were allowed to pick whatever genre we wanted to so we choose horror. The group consisted of Me, and my friends Gabby,Niall and Sam. It was an interesting challenge for us as Horror movies are not very easy to make. We all had different ideas, and for the final we all agreed on a simple typical horror opening, despise the less time we had to film and edit it. When it came to the final, our product was very successful and it even won 'Best Film Award' at our school at a film event 'John Cabot Academy Of Film And Television Arts' which was organized by our media studies teacher. This year, Me and Gabby are working once again in one group, along with our friend Holly. We will be using our online blogs, to help us plan each stage of our music video.

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