This video is based on Kelly Clarkson's childhood, on coping with the emotional distress she was experiencing after her parents divorced. The video starts at the Clarkson household. There, she and her partner are engaged in a heated argument, and at one point he threatens to smash a picture of the family. Time freezes still and her husband becomes immobile; Clarkson, however, is immune to this. Looking around her house, she sees her younger self. Hand in hand, the younger and older versions of Clarkson relive her troubled childhood as various painful memories are seen, such as the younger Clarkson making a picture for her father, who tosses it into the sink, and Clarkson's mother making an unappreciated dinner for her father. These events drive her mother to the point of taking pills and crying in front of the younger Clarkson.
The breaking point is finally seen when Clarkson's parents have a physical fight and throw objects at each other. Soon after, Clarkson's father packs his bags and leaves; although the younger Clarkson tries to get him to stay, he pulls away. The older Clarkson runs back in time to the present. There, time unfreezes and instead of fighting with her husband, they make up. They then see that their daughter in the video had seen them fight, and they embrace her and each other. Meanwhile, Clarkson is shown singing on the front porch, her mother's bed and a room full of mirrors. The costumes are pretty casual in this video, as its meant to show the normal life of a couple, only on a bad day. The action is happening at the couples house. I believe this music video was very effective as it happens to be very emotional and it mostly shows the reality life of a couple and what most children have to cope with these kind of issues.
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